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PACE was established in 1985 to manufacture Specialized Wire Meshes and its Products.

The right technology for each specifications with extensive experience, guarantee quality and workmanship desired by user. Our Product range includes Wire Mesh Mist Eliminators (Demisters), Vane Mist Eliminators, Liquid Coalescers, Structured Column Packings, Metal Wire Conveyor Belts, Wire Screens & other Knitted Wire Mesh Products

Serving Industries: Fertilizers, Chemicals, Petro Chemicals, Refineries, Process Industries, Engineering & Consultant Companies.

PACE is committed to build customer confidence through quality and focus on individual needs.

We shall achieve this through a process of continual improvement in all areas of operations, giving emphasis on team work, adherence to documented procedures and continuous upgradation of technology.


PACE is committed to improve effective quality management system, creating and providing framework for establishing and reviewing quality objectives.

  Manufactures & Exporters of Entrainment Separators, Structured Column Packings, Metal Conveyor Belts, Wire Screens, Knitted Wire Mesh - Products
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